Cookie Policy

Kindr Cookie Policy

We use cookies to give you a better experience on our website. That’s why we want to explain to you how, where and what kind of data our cookies keep track of. See our Kindr Cookie Policy below:

What are cookies?

Sadly, these “cookies” are not of the chocolate chip kind! The cookies we use are tiny data files collected by your web browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet when you visit certain web pages. Please be assured that cookies don’t harm your computer and our cookies do not contain anything to identify you personally, such as credit card details. 

How do we use cookies?

We use the encrypted information collected by cookies to help improve your experience of our site, for example by remembering your preferences or interest in products/promotions/advertisements, and analysing the web traffic our website receives to help us identify and resolve errors.

We use cookies to store customer details, save info on customers’ favourite products, to track how many people are interested in which products/promotions/advertisements and to analyse the web traffic our website receives.

Who has access to customer personal data tracked by cookies?

Customer data is only accessible within the Kindr parent company, its employees and officially certified external consultants. We have a very strict data access policy, and your data will never be used for anything other than mentioned within our Cookie and Privacy Policies.

Applicable law

All policies and the use of the Kindr website is regulated according to applicable laws in the Republic of Indonesia.

Contact us

If you need to request, review or change any of your personal information, please email us at

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